Saturday 9 January 2016

Gloves for my Grandma

Who'd have thought that 2016, would start off so busy? How's the start of you're 2016 been?
Where I live, it's suddenly gone very cold and so I thought this change in weather would be the perfect opportunity to crochet something, as I haven't crocheted in a while. When I started crocheting these gloves/ mittens or whatever you want to call then, my Grandma immediately expressed how much she would like a pair like them.
To be fair she had been hinting for a while, that she wanted me to make her something. So I thought why not, if she'd appreciate them, then she's given me a great excuse to make them.
I would love to be able to tell you what wool, I made these out of but I honestly can't remember, as they are left over from various other projects I have completed over the years. Hence the reason why they aren't exactly the same. I basically ran out of wool.
I hope this has inspired you!

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