Thursday 1 October 2015

Let's talk: My sewing inspiration

I constantly talk about getting inspiration but I rarely tell you where I get my inspiration from. Ladies and gentlemen, that is all about to change!
Some of you who've explored my blog al lot may have come across my inspiration page, where I talk about my on-line inspiration. However that's not the only place where I get inspiration from, here are some other ways I decided what I'd like to sew for my self:
These Molly makes mini cards provide me with a great deal of inspiration. I think they come with every magazine (however these may have been a one off).
  • Through window shopping. I'll often walk past a shop window and go "that's cute! I should totally make one for my self". Sometimes it my not be a single piece that inspires me but instead a general trend, such as the Kimono I recently made for myself.
  • Through catalogues. If there's something in the catalogue that I think I can make it for cheaper than I can buy it, I will totally put the effort in, to make it. Not only is it a fun challenge to try and work out how I could make something similar but it's also really cool knowing that you saved some money. Like when I made this striped skirt.
  • Through sewing magazines. I get a lot of ideas when of patterns I could follow when reading a sewing magazine, I mean who doesn't. 
Most stores will have a catalogue in store, or will send you catalogues regularly if you've bought something from their on-line store.
Newsagents will quite often have some sort of craft magazine but I always keep an eye out for a sewing magazine. If you don't have a local newsagent, you could always have a subscription to a sewing magazine. (I personally avoid this because I feel that, I wouldn't get value for money)
Similarly to sewing magazines, sewing books also provide me with a great deal of inspiration.
So where do you get you're inspiration from, let me know in the comments section bellow.
I hope this has inspired you!

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