Sunday 8 June 2014

My super cute lace top

I know that I've not been very frequent in posting my projects recently but I do have an excuse, it's currently the exam season where I live and I've been quiet busy revising since February (I know that February seems like a distant memory but the exams are important to me).
Still I managed to fit in a bit of sewing time recently, as I've almost finished my exams, and made this lovely crop pull over lace top.

This fabric came from a 60p and as I have used the other 2 pieces of material the grand total cost of this top is 20p. I improvised the pattern but if you would like a post about how I made this top feel free to leave a comment.
I hope this has inspired you!


  1. Love it! Can't believe it was 20p!

  2. Yeah it's surprising what you can find for less than £1!
