Thursday, 29 August 2013

My first ever bars of soap

Hello again my fellow crafters! Recently I say a heap of videos on YouTube on how to make soap. I assumed for these videos that you could use ordinary shop bought bars of soap as many of the didn't explain that you required special craft soap, know as melt an pour. So silly me went and put a shop bought bar of soap in the microwave, BIG mistake. Anyway 1 melted measuring jug and two bars of soap later, I finally made my first ever bar of soap. Yay!

 The method that I used is called the cold process, although it takes a lot longer than the melt and pour method I think it is a much safer. It also makes 1 bar of soap into many more bars (I got 4 homemade bars out of 1 shop bought bar). I followed the YouTube video bellow. be warned this process takes 4 weeks to be ready.
Using this process you can also up-cycle some of your old bars of soap and if you package them up nicely you could also give them as gifts. What can say "I really thought about this gift" than something homemade? If you want ideas on how to package your soap to make it look more professional then I suggest using the method shown bellow as that is what I did for one of my bars of soap (although I did that stage after I had taken the photo) after I had raped it in Clingfilm and then raped it in tissue paper. I found that that method of rapping soap turned out the best.  
I hope this has inspired you!

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