This was my expermental piece, so I didn't want to waste good fabric (I used my little sisters old bed sheet) however this pattern is heaverly reliant on the material used.You will need:
an old bed sheet
a zipper
a sewing machien (it can be done by hand however it will take alot longer)
Measure your waist. After taking your measurements add on a 2cm seam allowance.
Now cut out a piece of your fabric, which is your waist measurement plus SA by 14cm.
After taking your waist to knee measurement cut out a piece of fabric, which is the length you just measured by twice the length of your waist measurement plus SA.
Next sew a straight stich allong the width of the larger piece of fabric and gather it untill it is the same length as your waist band.
To create your waist band fold it in half and sew the long not folded edge to the gathered side of the larger piece of material.
Now sew the sides together but don't sew the waist band together as now you need to install your zipper.
Finally hem the bottom and you should have a skirt (and if your like me and don't have large breast it will also work as a strapless blouse).
I hope this has inspired you!
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