Saturday, 25 February 2017

Peru Day 8- Cusco to Puno

The taxi that was meant to arrive at 6:30am to catch the 7:00am bus to Puno didn't arrive until 6:40am, which made it a rush to the bus stop. But we made it in time!
Our first stop was Andehualillas, which was yet another stunning church with an over whelming amount of gold.

Then we stopped for lunch at a buffet place, which had a wide range of food.
There was another stop at a small hill side market but I wasn't feeling well enough to get off at this point.

We finally made it to Puno after a 10 hour bus drive, we went straight to our hotel which was outside of the town and so had a beautiful view of the town bellow.

After the long journey, we where in no fit state to go out into the city again and so ate at the restaurant that was part of the hotel.