Today I wanted to share with you a project that I've been working on. This year I've decided to make my own Christmas wreath and I wanted to share with you how you can make you're own wreath base layer out of bits and bobs you probably already have. So let's get started!
You will need:
Pipe cleaners (or the fluffy wires, as I like to call them), it's up to you how many you use depending on how large you want your wreath to be.Fabric, cut into long strips that are about 7 inches wide.
White, or similarly discreetly coloured thread.
Firstly join several of your pipe cleaners together to make a circle. The size of this circle will be the size of your wreath.Then make a smaller circle, again out of pipe cleaners. The size difference of your two circles will be the width of your wreath.
Now get two pipe cleaners and cut them in half.
Attach these smaller pipe cleaners to both circles, evenly around the two circles, as shown in the photo bellow.
Next wrap the thread around the two circles joining them together. The thread doesn't have to be too tight, this is just to make sure the circles are joined.
Finally take your strips of fabric and wrap them around the joined circles, as shown bellow, tucking the ends in, so that they are hidden.
I hope you found these instructions useful and of course, I hope this has inspired you!